Which Women in Tech?

Which Women in Tech?:

„Diversity is critical to ensure technological innovations that solve real problems. The sector has already lost enormous amounts of talent by ignoring entire sectors of the population as potential innovators.“

„being an ally to people of color sometimes means stepping aside. If you are white and working on diversity and inclusion efforts, de-center yourself and your community. This means that you must be deliberate about making room for voices unlike your own. If you are invited to be on a panel, for example, suggest a person of color instead. Refuse to participate in public conversations that are only featuring white people. Give up the mic wherever possible.“

Important words about diversity – something i’m thinking about a lot lately, trying to find out how to make droidcon Berlin more diverse.

These are our first steps that we decided to take. 

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How Self-Tracking Apps Exclude Women

How Self-Tracking Apps Exclude Women:

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